
A discord bot which identifies depressive behaviour powered by Deep Neural Networks performing sentimental analysis and actively engaging with the user in a voice conversation.

Balls of Fury

A recreation of the classic brick breaker game coded in python using only numpy and colorama that runs on the terminal.

Social Website

A dual account website that can account for two different profiles where one can upload their resumes and others can view the information.

Phylogenetic Trees

Constructed Phylogenetic Trees given the nucleotide sequences using UPGMA and custom distance calculation methods without the use of any bioInformatic libraries in python.

Military Database

A database management system designed specifically for a centralised military database, with the capability of performing specific queries and analysis.

Computational Science

Using NAMD to perform umbrella sampling, simulating solvated proteins with periodic boundary conditions. Using Gaussian software to calculated energy of reactions, find stable products, stability of intermediates and determining the path of the reaction, visualizing stability of conformers, plotting position vs energy and ramachandran plots.

Scientific Reports

Report on causes of lung cancer and some methods of prevention, laws of thermodynamics and the thermodynamic processes in the quantum realm, and the comparison between the classical and quantum cycles, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in the acoustic and language modeling of speech processing, and campus vaccine management system.

Binding-Pose Optimization

Working on a binding-pose optimization of protein-ligand complexes using deep neural networks. We aim to use Graph Neural Networks in place of Convolution Neural Networks that are used in models like GNINA and AtomNet to try and reduce the computational time while achieving similar accuracy.